Your childrens mental well being during covid

Tenzin Pema    28 Dec 2020    1689

Happy Sunday to all the families out there!!!

We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas this year and hopefully have an eventful New Year. This Christmas has undoubtedly been one of the weirdest ones to date as we cannot physically see our families or friends, but every situation is only as good or bad as we make it. Even if we can’t see our loved ones, technology has come so far where it can feel like we are right there with them. Facetime or zoom are just some examples we can use to see our families. Either way, I’m sure this pandemic will end soon, and we will finally be able to see whoever we want.

Now back to this week’s topic. A lot of questions that families ask especially for young children or infants is how we make sure they have a healthy social life while being confined indoors. Children especially need healthy social interaction for their minds to develop healthier. These emotional and physical bonds support children’s social development. Psychologists have shown very young children who develop strong and secure attachments become more independent, have more successful social relationships, perform better at school, and experience less anxiety compared with children who didn’t have strong and secure attachments.

So what can we as parents do to make sure our children develop these attachments and protect their wellbeing during the pandemic?

1.      First, its important that parents answer questions about the pandemic honestly and very simply. Children are a lot smarter and intuitive than we give them credit for. It’s also important always emphasize being clean, wearing face masks and staying home

2.      Make sure your children are still connected to their extended family and friends. Setting up daily or weekly calls with their grandparents, uncles, cousins as they might worry about them and just help with their anxiety

3.      Always be mindful of how your child is feeling and act accordingly. Their feelings are valid, so you must make them feel that way. Sometimes, all they need is confirmation that you care.

4.      Exercising is especially pivotal for a growing child. We recommend against indoor places but taking your children for daily walks in less crowded areas can do wonders for the mental and physical health.

5.      Come up with fun and creative ways to facilitate your children’s education and whenever you are playing games together.

Those are some methods you can use to help your growing children develop healthily but every family is different, and the methods can change. It is up to you parents to recognize that and find out what is best for your family. See you people next time!!!!


From His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama “ Children at two years, they play together. They don’t care [about] other child’s religion, other nationality. Then once the children [start] education, [there’s] not much talking about warmheartedness, just knowledge; and that creates some feeling of “we” and “they,” and then, gradually, “my nation,” “their nation,” “my religion,” “their religion.” Our education should include moral teachings. Religion? No. But moral teaching. Your own successful life very much depends on warmheartedness.”